Every year I’m thankful for the slow-down of life that fall brings. After an always busy Montana summer, it’s so cozy to bring out the sweaters, make soup, and reflect on the change of seasons. Last month I … Keep reading here…
Every year I’m thankful for the slow-down of life that fall brings. After an always busy Montana summer, it’s so cozy to bring out the sweaters, make soup, and reflect on the change of seasons. Last month I … Keep reading here…
Two wonderful shows in a row plus a long out of state trip didn’t leave a lot of time in the studio this month. Just part of the cycles and seasons of life! This is the season when everyone … Keep reading here…
The wildflowers are going CRAAAAAZY! I don’t know about you, but when I walk up on a field in full bloom I can’t help but smile – such an exhilaration! Guess that’s why I like to paint them. … Keep reading here…
A computer glitch has delayed me this month but Ron helped with a work-around so here it is – phew! Painting took a back seat for a while to much-needed walks in the woods and family visits – all … Keep reading here…
We are ALL having spring fever, it seems! On the bright side, when I look at the still endless white out my window, it reminds me of a blank canvas and all the associations with it. A clean slate, endless … Keep reading here…
I hope you all are enjoying the start of your 2018. I guess I’m kind of a “New Year Nerd” – January is one of my favorite months with it’s theme of new plans, new goals, new hopes. This … Keep reading here…
This is a bit earlier than usual since I’m off to Bellevue this week – SO, so excited! And THANK YOU MT Art Council for helping with my expenses to get there. I haven’t had a show since February and … Keep reading here…
A group of paintings are ready to hang at Helena’s Lewis & Clark library tomorrow. They will be there for viewing through April 30th to brighten your day and hasten spring! I’m thrilled to report that I’ll be … Keep reading here…
Have you noticed how the light seems to look different in the afternoon starting around mid-January? And the sun is hanging around a little longer each day? Progress! The Holter Museum reception is this Friday the 3rd from 5-8 … Keep reading here…
Winter is here FOR SURE, now – wouldn’t you agree? I’ll definitely be making the effort to get out and play in the snow regularly so I don’t get cabin fever too soon! After the rush of a … Keep reading here…