Craaazy Flowers
The wildflowers are going CRAAAAAZY! I don’t know about you, but when I walk up on a field in full bloom I can’t help but smile – such an exhilaration! Guess that’s why I like to paint them. … Keep reading here…
The wildflowers are going CRAAAAAZY! I don’t know about you, but when I walk up on a field in full bloom I can’t help but smile – such an exhilaration! Guess that’s why I like to paint them. … Keep reading here…
A computer glitch has delayed me this month but Ron helped with a work-around so here it is – phew! Painting took a back seat for a while to much-needed walks in the woods and family visits – all … Keep reading here…
November’s shows are over and there’s one more before wrapping up the year. This Saturday, December 2nd, our artist co-op is having a “mini” show at Annie Allen’s studio in Lincoln at 3317 Blackfoot Valley Ranch Road from 12-6pm. Chili, … Keep reading here…
Many times I’m asked “how did you come up with this idea?” when someone is looking at a painting. AKA “Are you crazy or on drugs?” Yes, those have been real questions, lol… Last summer a visitor to … Keep reading here…
This is a bit earlier than usual since I’m off to Bellevue this week – SO, so excited! And THANK YOU MT Art Council for helping with my expenses to get there. I haven’t had a show since February and … Keep reading here…
As I sit down to write this, I realize I want to mention spring weather. Again! Aaaand I see weather was at the top of my mind for the past 3 newsletters….. Obviously I’m suffering from lack-of-sunshine-itis. Here’s my plan … Keep reading here…
“You’re SO talented!” sigh some art show-goers as if the artist has talent but they do not. I realize it’s a nice thing to say, no doubt genuine, and the cultural norm when we are admiring someone’s work. I’ve said it … Keep reading here…
Our newly adopted house rabbit has been a-MA-zing. We brought him home just over a week ago and he is already litter box trained. Considering he’s only 7 weeks old, that’s a miracle! And, he truly loves us. … Keep reading here…
I’ve been gobbling up quotes lately. The kind that sum things up perfectly in one sentence. Usually about a concept that I’ve known for some time, but would need hours to explain. Like this one: “The greatest gift you can give yourself is a little bit of … Keep reading here…
One of my favorite quotes is attributed to Maggie Kuhn who said “Speak your truth, even if your voice shakes.” That takes a lot of guts for most of us! I’m getting better about the initial guts part of the … Keep reading here…