Craaazy Flowers

The wildflowers are going CRAAAAAZY! I don’t know about you, but when I walk up on a field in full bloom I can’t help but smile – such an exhilaration! Guess that’s why I like to paint them.
A local artist friend, Annie Allen, and I had the honor (and fun!) of painting Lincoln’s Community Hall doors in time for their 100th year celebration on July 7th & 8th. It’s possibly the biggest painting I’ve worked on (maybe the horse was larger??) so it was a great learning experience.

Annie & Lisa painting

The finished doors

“Seasons” 48″x24″
I’m excited for the Arts in the Park show in Kalispell July 13-15th. I loved going to that show during my “didn’t know I was an artist” years.” There were always wonderful works of art that caused me to wish I was an artist 🙂 . If you’re in the area it’s definitely worth a stop! I’ll be in booth #32.
I hope you all have a wonderful 4th!
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