Back-To Season
Two wonderful shows in a row plus a long out of state trip didn’t leave a lot of time in the studio this month. Just part of the cycles and seasons of life! This is the season when everyone … Keep reading here…
Two wonderful shows in a row plus a long out of state trip didn’t leave a lot of time in the studio this month. Just part of the cycles and seasons of life! This is the season when everyone … Keep reading here…
A computer glitch has delayed me this month but Ron helped with a work-around so here it is – phew! Painting took a back seat for a while to much-needed walks in the woods and family visits – all … Keep reading here…
November’s shows are over and there’s one more before wrapping up the year. This Saturday, December 2nd, our artist co-op is having a “mini” show at Annie Allen’s studio in Lincoln at 3317 Blackfoot Valley Ranch Road from 12-6pm. Chili, … Keep reading here…
Summer is officially over and I’ve been reflecting on our whirlwind season. I have fall art shows lined up, but there will be a nice lull in September. Time to focus on painting more minis for the season! As … Keep reading here…
As you’re reading this, we are on our way to the Waterfront Blues Festival in Portland. Not only do I get to hear amazing live music at home every day from my guitarist hubby, but we take in as many music events as … Keep reading here…
Actively seeking Joy in life as a defense against depression has been important to me. I can’t just wait for it to appear, or wait for myself to “feel” different. No, no – I have to search for it in … Keep reading here…
I’ve always loved the feeling of “letting go” to see what happens while painting, writing, cooking – you name it! Come to find out, play is vital to our existence as humans and it’s been the catalyst for all the … Keep reading here…