As you’re reading this, we are on our way to the Waterfront Blues Festival in Portland. Not only do I get to hear amazing live music at home every day from my guitarist hubby, but we take in as many music events as … Keep reading here…
As you’re reading this, we are on our way to the Waterfront Blues Festival in Portland. Not only do I get to hear amazing live music at home every day from my guitarist hubby, but we take in as many music events as … Keep reading here…
Winter is here FOR SURE, now – wouldn’t you agree? I’ll definitely be making the effort to get out and play in the snow regularly so I don’t get cabin fever too soon! After the rush of a … Keep reading here…
Actively seeking Joy in life as a defense against depression has been important to me. I can’t just wait for it to appear, or wait for myself to “feel” different. No, no – I have to search for it in … Keep reading here…
Available Mini Paintings are now on my website! As you’ll notice, some are with me and some are at E3 Gallery in Missoula. I’ve also added information detailing the commission process. I will have room in my schedule starting in February … Keep reading here…
I’m so excited about some upcoming shows and can’t wait to see you all! It’ll be a nice respite from politics, right? 🙂 There will be lots of new work to show you. I’ve been working on mini paintings … Keep reading here…
September has been full of making art and art activities. I helped for a day with one of the education groups at Sculpture in the Wild here in Lincoln, MT. It’s always a treat to watch young imaginations at work … Keep reading here…
“You’re SO talented!” sigh some art show-goers as if the artist has talent but they do not. I realize it’s a nice thing to say, no doubt genuine, and the cultural norm when we are admiring someone’s work. I’ve said it … Keep reading here…
I’ve always loved the feeling of “letting go” to see what happens while painting, writing, cooking – you name it! Come to find out, play is vital to our existence as humans and it’s been the catalyst for all the … Keep reading here…
Looks like summer is here to stay for a while! My season has been focused on painting so I’ll have the inventory to do more in-person shows next year. They are my favorite way to share my work since it … Keep reading here…
June has been a cleansing month, inside and out. I did a major purge of items in my studio and throughout parts of our home. Eight (heavy!) boxes of items were taken to the thrift store, and I helped a … Keep reading here…