Like the Wind
Something about windswept dunes in the desert are hauntingly beautiful. They are constantly sculpted by the elements, causing them to change the way they reflect sunlight and form shadows. It’s fascinating how so many of our human traits are mirrored in nature.

Reflections of sunlight or deep shadows are formed in me as well. My inner atmosphere determines if I’m tightly bound and get dark and stormy if things don’t go as planned. Or if I let go and peacefully blow through the day in spite of unforeseen events.
This type of “letting go” reminds me of the wind. Evidenced as a gentle waft or a forceful fury, subject to the weather behind it. The same force of nature causes the random beauty of clouds or the devastation of a hurricane.
Like the wind, I can let go softly and allow myself to quietly feel the present moment. Or I can let go with wild abandon, resulting in a breathtaking painting at best, or a damaged relationship at worst. Joy or havoc from the same force.

Unlike the wind, I don’t need to be uncontrollably driven by conditions. I get to choose my internal setting. A practice of daily gratitude has been pivotal for me and will always need to be maintained.
I’ve also learned that so many things just. don’t. matter. Let them go. Some days are easier than others, but I’m making progress. Age has aided that perspective as I look back on the things that seemed So Important yet now are nothing. One day at a time the climate in me is more pleasant.

Intense beauty from an intense force.
I’d love to talk about your favorite ways to regulate your disposition if you want to comment below. If not… it doesn’t matter. 🙂
Being sick, is challenging my ‘faith’ and ‘relationship with God’ each day!! Ever notice, it’s easier to be faithful when life is going ‘well’?? Uh, yeah!!
You are very wise, Lisa! Trust yourself!! Feel it! I feel it each time we see each other! Thanks for sharing your peace; In person, AND within your art!
You are so kind and encouraging, Sara – thank you! I can only imagine what you go through with your illness. It’s definitely something I’ve never grappled with and have no way to relate to those kinds of challenges other than from what I’ve learned from those who do. You do it well and your honesty and openness in the process is no doubt encouraging to others. We all need to know we are not alone, no matter what our struggles may be. Keep on keepin’ on dear friend! <3
I’m so glad to hear that, thank you! Enjoy your day 🙂
Your words resonate much as you do in my life. Blessed writings Lisa. Thank you for sharing.
I love this blog post and your words are something I think of often. ☺️ My favorite rescue effort when I’m feeling pressured and frustrated is to remember and lean in to my guiding values. I’m not a person of religion, but I’ve given a lot of heartfelt consideration to the values that guide me. It’s a deliberate thought process that often soothes my anxiety, reminds me of my core strengths, and often answers vexing questions about current issues. Thanks for this, Lisa!
It’s wonderful that you have taken the time to deliberately think through not only what your guiding values *are*, but that you consciously bring them up in those situations as an anchor. I respect the fact that religion is deeply meaningful for many, but I found myself even more tightly wound while being religious. Once I let go of what became in my mind the “Should Bes” I was able to flow through life in a much more peaceful manner. Surprising to me at the time, letting go of that mindset also helped me clarify my own core values and has been immensely strengthening. Thank you so much for commenting, Sheri!