November’s Studio News

During this time between holidays I’ll be hunkering down in my studio to focus on painting some commissions and other projects. An “alone” activity but one that fuels and feeds me so I can, in turn, have more to share!
Some of my paintings are now on Fine Art America so you have the option of buying prints, note cards, pillows, tote bags, shower curtains and duvets with my images on them. Check it out here, they are known for their wonderful quality and have a money-back guarantee!
My THANK YOU to subscribers is to offer FREE shipping on original paintings at through December 31st, 2015. Items and prints through Fine Art America are not included since I do not ship them.
I just sent out a batch of framable postcards to those of you who have given me your mailing address. I will be mailing them 2-4 times per year, so if you’d like to receive them and didn’t already, be sure to update your profile with your mailing address.

A little bit of fall, a little bit of winter!
I’m determined this year to acknowledge the beauty of winter. Some of you may think “Whaaaaat? HOW is that possible – winter is COLD!” Yes, it is, and very long in our corner of Montana! But it also has a beauty unique to winter alone. I’ve been inspired to make a point to get out regularly to appreciate it. Here is the first installment in that project – some very “fally” looking grass against a snowy backdrop. I’m certain getting out regularly will help keep the winter blahs away that like to creep in around mid-February or so… share your tips below on how you beat those winter blahs!
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